How to Be a Book Lover on a Budget

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So - you love to read.

You can't wait for the latest releases from your favourite author. You spend your Saturdays scouring the shelves at Waterstones for brand new finds! And you are constantly rearranging your bookshelf to squeeze in "just one more!"

Purchasing new reads is a fun hobby (almost as fun as reading them!). However, it can certainly become expensive.

Today, we're talking about how to be a bookworm on a budget. We've put together a list of the best ways you can read a lot but spend a little. These top tips will help you keep more pennies in the bank without ruining your love for buying books!

Check out top ten tips below -


Tip One - Head To Second Hand Bookstores

Second-Hand bookstores are ideal for those bookworms buying on a budget. Browse through hidden treasures and find good reads at a fraction of the price!

Second-hand bookshops also have other advantages, such as finding old versions of your favourite books or first-edition copies. Not to mention that sweet old book smell!

You can find independent second-hand book stores dotted around most cities. Or take to the internet and explore the worldwide web...

Tip Two - Buy Second Hand Online

Of course, it's always fun to browse a bookshop; there is something so wonderful about exploring the freshly printed pages and chatting to like-minded bookworms. However, if you're finding yourself strapped for cash, often buying online can be a cheaper option.

There are so many second-hand online bookshops offering current and classic reads for remarkable prices!

Take a look at some of our recommended websites:

It's such a lovely thing to give a book another home; it doesn't matter if you pick one up in-store or have it delivered to your door!

Tip Three - Charity Shops

Charity shops are another great place to discover books second-hand. Places such as Oxfam and Cancer Research are usually bursting with excellent books which you can purchase at a minimal cost.

It's lovely to think that your next book purchase will provide a donation to an important cause.

Remember - you can donate your books to charity once you have read them. It's a great way to save space on the shelf.


Tip Four - Invest in a Kindle

Reading digitally is a great way to save money. Digital books are statistically far cheaper than a printed copy. By investing in a Kindle or another E-reader, you will save money on each purchase compared to buying the book in-store.

Also, if you have a smartphone or laptop, you can download the Kindle app for free without purchasing a new device. Read directly from your computer or phone, on the move or at home.

Tip Five - Swap With Friends

Are you lucky enough to have a like-minded book-loving friend?! Then why not swap and share your purchases?

If you intend to buy the latest releases, and so does your friend, then why not take it in turns? Or swap your most recent reads upon completion.

This is not only a great way to save money, but it also helps with reading goals, deadlines and motivation! Set 'swapping' dates and challenge your friend to meet the deadline. It's a very sociable way to enjoying reading on a budget.

Tip Six- Join a Library

Borrowing books from the library is the perfect way to save money and save space on your bookshelf!

If you're a regular reader, joining a library is a great way to rotate your reading pile, discover new books and meet like-minded people.

Tip Seven - Practice Your Patience

Most book lovers are eager to jump on the latest reads and get their noses buried in recent releases.

However, it's important to note that as the buzz dies down around a book, so does the price. By waiting just a few weeks, the cost of your purchase could be cut by almost half! Remember, hard-backs are always more expensive than paperbacks, so try and hold out if you can.


Tip Eight - Sell Old Books

Do you have books piling up on your shelf? Selling books that you no longer need is a great way to earn pocket money for new buys!

Luckily, the process is now more straightforward than ever. Websites such as Ziffit are the perfect way to price up and pass on your books. You can scan your books' barcodes using the Ziffit app or enter the ISBNs to see how much they're worth.

You can sell any type of book, from students textbooks to classic fiction! As long as the books are in good condition, you're good to go. If you're feeling charitable, you can also donate your earnings to a charity of your choice.

Tip Nine - Plan Your Purchases

Setting out a plan for your upcoming buys is a great way to control your monthly book spend.

Use a Reading Log to plan your book purchases. You can list all your 'must reads' in an arrangement that suits your reading speed (i.e. fortnightly, monthly) and budget for your next purchase.

Tip Ten - Create a Book Wishlist

Create a Birthday or Christmas Book Wishlist that you can add to throughout the year. On special occasions, your family and friends can look at the list and see which reads you're hoping to receive!

If you don't mind waiting, receiving books on a special occasion is fulfilling for both you and your loved ones.

If you have any more thoughts about buying books on a budget, then please get in touch! It would be great to hear your money saving ideas!

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