How to Get Out of a Reading Slump


Suffering from a reading slump?

Don’t worry - it’s happened to all of us!

One day you're too engrossed in a chapter to realise you've missed your stop on the train, and the next, you're too tired even to finish a page.

Like all things in life, reading comes and goes in phases. Just because you're not racing through Leo Tolstoy with the speed of Usain Bolt, does not mean you're not still passionate about books. There are many reasons you might find yourself in a reading slump; let's take a look at them.





We're all busy bees! Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day.


With more books being published every day, the choice sometimes becomes too much! Too many options can be overwhelming.


Have you ever read two books in a row that felt pretty much the same? If you're a lover of one genre, repetitive storylines can sometimes become a little dull and off-putting.


As with food, our taste in literature can change over time. Perhaps you're just not enthralled by your once-loved genre anymore?

No matter your reason, there are ways to overcome your reading slump whilst discovering new and exciting things along the way. Who knows, your reading slump could be the best thing that ever happened to your bookaholic brain.

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1 - Experiment outside your comfort zone

A great way to overcome a reading slump is to try something new. If storylines are becoming repetitive and you've tried and tested most authors in your favourite genre, it's probably time to step outside your comfort zone.

Try reading the first chapter of a book you would never usually try; you might find it's more compelling than your thought! Just think - you didn't know if you liked chocolate until you tried it. So perhaps a little taste of sci-fi, horror or romance could be your next tasty read.

2 - Read a short story or novella

Sometimes the number of pages in a book can seem overwhelming when you're in a reading slump. A great technique is to start small and work your way up.

Try reading a short story or a novella; the tale's quick pace should feel like less of a marathon than an entire novel. Once your back into the swing of things, you will feel ready to dive back into the longer, juicier reads.

3 - Reread a favourite

There is nothing wrong with rereading an old classic. If you own a book that you particularly love and feel would inspire you to try reading again, then dive back into those wonderful pages!

You have likely watched your favourite film more than once, so why not re-read a book?

4 - Change your location

Sometimes setting is key! If you're bored with your surroundings, it will likely translate into your hobby.

Why not try a cosy cafe for a chapter or two? Snuggle up in bed on an evening with a cup of cocoa. Or check out my tips on how to create the perfect reading nook! Any new place that is comfy and cosy will likely positively affect your reading time.

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5 - Take a break!

It's ok to chill! If you have a lot going on at the moment, don't punish yourself by being angry at your lack of reading. It's ok to have a short rest while you organise your life or recoup your thoughts. When you do feel like you're ready to pick up a book again, you'll likely enjoy it even more before. Your mind may be thankful for the break.

6 - Try an audiobook

Switching up your source is also an excellent way to ignite your literature passion. If you're too tired or busy to concentrate on a page, then an audiobook may be the way forward.

Audible and Scribd have lots of great audiobooks, read by your favourite authors and celebrities. They also offer a 30-day free trial! If you use this link you can even get a 60-day free trial on Scribd (I get a free month as well). PS: If you only get shown a 30-day offer, just reload the page and it should say 60 days.

7 - Take a trip to the bookstore or library

If you're stuck for inspiration, then a trip to the bookshop might be just what the doctor ordered. Have a chat with the owner or librarian and express your reading slump struggles; there's no doubt they'll have a book or two up their sleeve.

8 - Join a book club

A book club is a perfect way to stay motivated and explore exciting new reads. Spend an evening sharing your thoughts and nibbling biscuits with a group of like-minded bookaholics!

Check out my blog: How To Start a Book Club (On or Offline) for advice on setting up your own.

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9 - Read with a friend

Two minds are better than one! Sometimes taking on a task is easier in a pair. Set a book schedule with a friend and challenge each other to finish simultaneously. You can meet up and discuss your thoughts in a fun and inspirational setting.

10 - Try a podcast

Not sure what to read? Looking for recommendations? Need time away from the page?

A literary podcast is a great way to stay on top of all things literature-related, quickly and simply. Easy to schedule in around daily activities, there are many podcasts out there that have something for everyone.

Check out my blog 16 of the Best Literary Podcasts for Book Lovers to find the perfect bookish podcast for you.

11 - Read the first few pages

We all know some books take a bit of time to get into, but this is not an option whilst you're in your literary slump. You need something that will drive you from the get-go!

Read the first few pages of a new book and if it doesn't capture you from the start, place it to the side. Once you've found a book that you can't bear to put down after a page or two, you've found your winner! Don't worry - you can always go back and finish the others later.

12 - Leave your phone out of it

Technology is taking over! We're all guilty of being distracted by a text mid-read. But for the time being, put your phone to the side to concentrate on your reading. Constant connection with the outside world is far too distracting for a bookaholic in a reading slump!

If you have any more top tips on how to get out of a reading slump, let me know! I always love to hear from you.

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